
Showing posts from April, 2007

Fedora 6 LDAP / Kerberos Auth to Active Directory on Windows Srvr 2003 R2

Fedora 6 LDAP / Kerberos Auth to Active Directory on Windows Srvr 2003 R2 Tested by Shannon VanWagner Problem Connecting Fedora 6 to a Windows Srvr 2003 R2 DC for auth and uid/gid sync with AD. Solution Configure Fedora 6 to use LDAP, Samba, and Kerberos to auth with Windows Srvr 2003 R2 DC with Identity Mgmt for UNIX. Here's How: 1.) On Windows Server 2003 R2 DC - enable "Identity Management for UNIX" via Add/Rmv Programs > Add Win Components > AD Services > Identity Mgmt for UNIX (reboot req'd). This will add the UNIX Properties tab to user accounts in AD that will allow you to control the UID, primary group GID, NIS Server setting, home dir location, and user shell setting. 2.) Create a user in AD to use for authenticating via LDAP from the Fedora 6 client. Make this user a primary member of Domain Guests for security. 3.) For any Win user that logs into the Fedora 6 machine, modify the "UNIX Attributes" tab for the user's account in AD. ...