Why Switch to Linux? Here's a few Reasons!
Linux = freedom (.) +21,000(plus) free software packages - this includes all types of programming tools, networking/PC Repair tools, office tools, scientific research tools, media tools, photo tools, kids learning games, bible study tools, the list goes on and on +Drivers for most common software (pretty good considering the drivers aren't usually provided by the mfgr) +At least 14 different Office Productivity tools to read/write in Open Document Format (includes OpenOffice.org and now IBM Lotus Symphony). These tools also save to MS formats (i.e., xls, doc, etc) and export to PDF natively. +Actually reduces the pirating of software since people can get software free instead of "getting a copy" of a software title from someone else +Feeling and being empowered to do what YOU want to do with your operating system and software +Having piece of mind and actually learning more about using computers +Virus/Malware free (note: use your firewall to be safe anyway) +No controlli...