$200 Green PC (gOS GNU/Linux) - What's inside the case?

Some exclusive photos of the new $200 Everex Green GPC TC2502 featuring the gOS GNU/Linux operating system. Sold by Walmart and zareason.com. Note: this PC was reported as "sold out" within about 4 days of becoming available initially. (Note: Click any photo to see a larger version) 1.) Nice big green box. Gets a lot of attention when you're walking out of Walmart! I suggest you walk around town with it or maybe take it to work!! 2.) Side panel of box says "Alternative Computer" and shows a detailed listing of the system specifications. Also listed is the myriad of software that is available, 1-Year warranty/ free online support, and CPU branding. 3.) The enclosed flyer provides a visual description of what plugs in where. The flyer also explains how to access the configuration panel, main menu, the shelf, and the file manager. The gOS is geared towards using online services for chat, email, web-browsing, searching but also touts being able to edit documents, h...