ABC "Watch Episodes" Sucks Because it doesn't work with Linux

010/04/abc-and-fox-full-episodes-now-linux.htmlUpdate August 16, 2010: ABC, FOX, and CWTV now work just fine with GNU/Linux via the Adobe Flash Player. See this article for more information. Thank you ABC for switching to a truly cross-platform-compatible solution for your media delivery.

Disclaimer: All copyrighted names and trademarks on this site are property of their respective owners.

Dear ABC "episodes" website, I wanted to let you know that your website sucks because:

We only have Ubuntu, Edubuntu, PCLOS, and Fedora Linux in our home. This is the only way to ensure we don't catch viruses from the Internet which are targeted at the Windows OS.

ABC "episodes" doesn't work on Linux (at least not that I can see, if I'm wrong please correct me) and so it sucks, badly. By committing this evil act, you are discounting a very large group of people that use computers. Please make your "Episodes" service available to Linux users.

So ABC "episodes" website sucks because I can't use it.

Seriously, we're not trying to rip anything off from ABC "episodes", we only want to be able to watch ABC "episodes" like all the other Windows users out there. Why are you picking on non-Windows users? Surely you don't believe that Windows is the only OS in the world?

Do you support Monopoly of Operating systems? Apparently so.

Boycott ABC "episodes", that's what I say, and that's what I'll tell all my friends.

Hopefully you intend to accept Linux as an alternate Operating system in the future, until then, ABC "episodes" sucks.


Shannon VanWagner


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