
Showing posts from July, 2008

Digg+Google equals Awesome Knowledgebase!

Digg is a vast database of really, really good stuff. Imagine an Army of Diggers, by the thousands, scouring the Internet everyday, finding the best stories and submitting them to digg. This is a massive, massive resource of information. Unfortunately, if you're like me, you haven't had much luck with the search tool on digg. So of all the awesome information that's available on digg, it's a shame we can't search through it better, or can we? That's where our good 'ole friend google comes in... We can use to search for key terms only on the site, and reap the benefits of the best information that's submitted to digg! It's easy, check out the examples below. Just paste the search term into, or click the link provided, and you'll be amazed at how easy you'll find what you're looking for. Click some of the examples below to see how it works. how to reset windows administrator password best file r...

Why the Linux Desktop isn't the most popular(yet), and how you can help

As an avid Linux user and promoter, I am frequently faced with the pessimistic viewpoint of the minuscule market share that the Linux Desktop occupies. And although Linux on the Desktop will continue to move in positive direction of a mainstream Desktop Operating System, I'd like to share my view as to why this process has not been the Mushroom Cloud of expansion that us Linux lovers would like to see it be. The problem is very simple actually. The Linux market share is currently limited by the lack of support for it from computer hardware makers. That's it. Plain and simple. Since hardware makers do not help make drivers for GNU/Linux, the GNU/Linux community has to use a lot more time to "catch up" in the development of drivers. And if playing "catch up" isn't bad enough, In some instances, the hardware makers make it even harder for Linux, by using some wonky tactics to store pictures on a flash chip for instance (enter the world of Professor Theodore...

Open Letter to WebCam Makers - It's time to Include Linux Drivers and show it on your packaging!

So the other day I was making my routine perusal of the computer merchandise at my local retailer (OK so I admit it, I was at Wal Mart). While walking through the aisle of peripheral devices I was thinking to myself, what is the most problematic device to get working in GNU/Linux? And that's when it hit me... it's USB WebCams. Linux is arguably the most compatible operating system for just about any type of typical computer hardware out there. What this means is that a great number of all types of devices already work with Linux, ranging from a multitude of CPUs/Motherboards, to wired/wireless networking, to disk drives/RAID controllers, to external drives and media, to audio/video/playback devices, and the list goes on and on. With that being said, when I think of what type peripheral device that is comparatively lacking in functionality and drivers for GNU/Linux, it is the USB WebCam. So after I inspected every USB WebCam available on the shelf at Wal Mart, the "system ...

Office Depot Infiltrated by Ubuntu Linux

Have you ever cruised by Office Depot to checkout the new PCs only to findout that the Vista login screen is password protected? Suffer no more my friend! Follow the steps below and it'll fix you right up... First, Arm yourself with any Linux LiveCD (checkout, then head over to your favorite computer store, put the cd in any computer that has a cdrom, and reboot the machine to Linux! The pic above was taken at my local Office Depot around midday. The cherry machine in the picture has a great monitor, which I was very impressed to see boot right up beautifully. So I was hanging around playing chess/mahjong/solitaire/etc and then when I was finished, I simply left the Ubuntu Linux up on the screen for the next shopper to enjoy. The Office Depot guy walked by a few times but I guess he didn't quite realize what was really going on. I am a good samaritan, and kind administrator, and I wouldn't want to leave the next poor soul to experience Vista with a lo...