Checkout - Cool Flash based Game - Works with GNU/Linux!

Here's something my 11-year old son ferreted out by using GNU/Linux:

So you're looking for a cool online RPG game that will work with GNU/Linux?
Then you should checkout:

dragonfable even has a special player in it named "Linus", here's his bio: "Your tiny penguin pal, he gets confused alot and likes cleaning... but will not do Windows"(see screenshot below).

GNU/Linux gaming is alive and advancing!

Go GNU/Linux!!


  1. Cool post. Thanks!

  2. Just a heads up, your link to the site needs a http:// in front :) Good site though, love the Linus thing ;)

  3. Luke J Dixon - Thanks for pointing out the broken link, I really appreciate it!! It's fixed now.

    Congratulations on your freedom!
    Go GNU/Linux!

    Shannon VanWagner


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