Updated(06-10-09) This is preposterous.. How come I can't see the (LIVE) speech from the USA President online just because I'm using GNU/Linux?

UPDATE (06-10-09) - Apparently CNN received my message and changed their website so that now CNN Live works great with the Flash Player on Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04! You can get to CNN Live by clicking the "Live Video" link at: http://www.cnn.com/video Great job CNN!! Way to support diversity in operating systems. Enjoy your new GNU/Linux viewers. This is what I see when using an Open Source Operating System to view (LIVE) PUBLIC information that is disseminated from our American President!! Is this America or what? Why should I BE REQUIRED to use a PROPRIETARY OPERATING SYSTEM to see what our Government (and current PRESIDENT) is trying to deliver via press conference to me, an American? If this is required, where is the Microsoft/Apple federal tax, that will at least give back to America for the restrictions it provides? How is this Freedom in the United States of America?? I was so ticked off by this that I sent an email to the Antitrust investigation department of our Federal...