Updated Open Letter to Joost.com: Thanks for Changing To Work With GNU/Linux!

About a year ago, I wrote a letter to Joost.com asking them to update their website to allow access from GNU/Linux. The old Joost.com used a special process to watch the content that didn't work with GNU/Linux.

Well this day is monumental. Because just as good eventually wins over evil, night turns into day, and humans advance with technology, today(02-11-2009) - I see that Joost.com has changed its website and is now accessible using GNU/Linux. Note: Joost.com may have been accessible from GNU/Linux for some time, I simply hadn't checked back until today.

I really appreciate that Joost.com has changed it's original setup. By allowing GNU/Linux access, Joost.com helps to reduce the monopoly of Operating Systems, and more importantly has made a statement to the world that they endorse the use of Open Web Standards, and the advancement of the Internet and technology.

Nice Job Joost.com. Way to play fair. Your actions are an endorsement to Open Web Standards, are a boost to fair competition, and a symbol of human ingenuity. Joost.com, you have now joined the ranks of reputable companies that share the sandbox with others(instead of throwing sand in others' faces) and plays fair. This action is commendable beyond words.

Many people, including those who may have recently purchased a GNU/Linux-based computer from any of the major OEMs, will now truly be able to appreciate all your hard work on Joost.com. This is a beautiful thing.

Joost.com, I look forward to enjoying the content and the advertisements on your site. Thank You!

Congratulations on your Freedom!!

As for my fellow users and evangelists of GNU/Linux:When you find something that doesn't work with GNU/Linux, keep up the writing, the posting, the raising of the awareness. It really does work!!

GO GNU/Linux!! Go Freedom!! Go Open Web Standards!!

Enable Humans with Technology!!

Shannon VanWagner

--Previous Open Letter to Joost.com Rescinded--


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