Attention GNU/Linux Supporters - A Call To Action, It's Time for Fight

Ever cheered for the opponent you wanted to win, yelled in encouragement until you're hoarse, and then in a glorious moment.. see your team win? Have you ever seen the underdog team come out of the shadows and strip the victory from the season's statistically best team? I have. And I'm about to see it happen again, right in front of the watchful eyes of the world. It's happened all through history, David vs. Goliath, the Normans vs. the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings, the Spanish vs. the French on Cinco de Mayo, the colonial U.S. vs. the British Empire for the Revolutionary War, and other scenarios - time and time again, all throughout history. In each of these instances the comparatively smaller, less anticipated warrior(s) valiantly battled the oppressive giant and miraculously won with an unexpected victory. Such is proof, it's not the immense number, massive size, or even the high popularity of an entity that wins the battle, rather it's the passion ...