
Showing posts from January, 2010

How To Take a Screenshot of your Droid with Ubuntu GNU/Linux

After looking around for a way to take a screenshot of my Verizon Droid screen, and only finding the non-Linux instructions here , I figured I'd write up the instructions for Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10. Here's how to take a screenshot of your Verizon Droid (Android-Linux based device) using the USB cable and Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10. What you'll need: Android Linux SDK Java SE JRE (already installed with ubuntu-restricted-extras) Follow these steps to get it all setup: 1.) Download the Android SDK. Ok, so you're using Linux now.. and you could just click the link and download the Android SDK. But you really should use 'wget' from the terminal instead. Why? Because wget is awesome! So assuming you agree to the Android SDK License Agreement (req'd), fire up your favorite terminal program, e.g., alt+f2 gnome-terminal, then run this command: wget 2.) Extract the android sdk: tar -xvf android-sdk* 3. ) Enter the ...