Linux - On Desktops Near You; Lexmark Packaging now Shows Linux

Never say never, that's my motto. First, ABC and FOX Full Episodes add support for the GNU/Linux-compatible Adobe Flash Player. And now, retailers are selling products that are marked with "Linux" in the "System Requirements" list. I now expect to see, as I predicted last year, the massive influx to Linux as being the "prominent platform of choice", as well as Linux becoming the Universal Gaming Platform(WebGL may be a hint of this). Amidst all the other problems in the world, technological freedom and advancement continue to flourish. After years of returning to my local retailer, searching for computer products marked with Linux compatibility, I'm finally seeing it. I'm seeing it on Lexmark printers. See below. image credit: me with my Droid @ walmart For those who are interested in a full review of the another new Lexmark printer (the Lexmark Pro905 Platinum multi-function printer - NOT pictured above) see this article at Phoroni...