Ubuntu netbook-remix 10.04 or Jolicloud? Hmm.. Decisions, Decisions

Which one should I choose? Ubuntu 10.04 netbook-remix or Jolicloud? Heh.. One feature with Jolicloud that is really grabbing my attention is the ability to switch from the netbook interface to the desktop - to me, this is big

Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook-Remix (beta) GNU/Linux daily build LiveCD in Virtualbox-OSE

Jolicloud (Ubuntu-based) GNU/Linux LiveCD (04-01-10) in Virtualbox-OSE

Jolicloud (Ubuntu-based) GNU/Linux LiveCD (Switched to Desktop mode)(04-01-10) in Virtualbox-OSE

Shannon VanWagner


  1. I apologize if you already know this, but you have the ability to choose GNOME from the sessions menu before you log into Ubuntu 10.04 if you install Ubuntu Netbook Edition. I know its probably not as instant as Jolicloud, but at least the option is there.

  2. @Andrew...

    As many times as I've logged into UNR, I never realized that I could select GNOME as the session. That's a great point - Thanks!

    Shannon VanWagner

  3. Shannon,
    I had used your approach for a Droid/Koala tether with great success for several weeks but have had no luck with it after upgrading to Lynx. It appears to load correctly and the messages on startup appear to be the same but I have no connection. I presume you are now running 10.04 and probably have your tether up. Any tips?

  4. @Wayne, how is it that you determine failure? Have you tried pinging Google after your connection? Hit alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, hit enter, then type ping google.com and hit enter. There should be a response.

    Something that was pointed out was that in 10.04, Firefox starts in "Offline" mode, so you just have to click File (in Firefox), then uncheck "Offline Mode" to begin surfing.

    I have been using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 for about a month now, and it works perfectly with the tethering of my droid to get to the Internet.

  5. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx is the best.....


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