How an operating system should work, vs. a software system that is broken.

Here's just a few words on how an operating system should work, vs. a software system that is broken. GNU/Linux - All software that is installed from the package manager is updated as soon as the updates are available, and via one single non-intrusive interface. There's no waiting for security patches or feature additions in the GNU/Linux system. This includes the flash player, adobe reader(if selected), system security updates, office software, the system kernel and tools, and all other software installed by default on the system. As for having to reboot, only about 1 in 5(or more) system upgrade batches asks you to reboot. Also, since there is no game to make the user pay more money at intervals for "upgrades" to the system with GNU/Linux, our systems have undergone 8 full major system version updates in 4 years, or 1 every 6 months! Not that any of the updates are mandatory, but one can take advantage of the free updates as they become available if they choose.Th...