How an operating system should work, vs. a software system that is broken.
Here's just a few words on how an operating system should work, vs. a software system that is broken.
GNU/Linux - All software that is installed from the package manager is updated as soon as the updates are available, and via one single non-intrusive interface. There's no waiting for security patches or feature additions in the GNU/Linux system. This includes the flash player, adobe reader(if selected), system security updates, office software, the system kernel and tools, and all other software installed by default on the system. As for having to reboot, only about 1 in 5(or more) system upgrade batches asks you to reboot. Also, since there is no game to make the user pay more money at intervals for "upgrades" to the system with GNU/Linux, our systems have undergone 8 full major system version updates in 4 years, or 1 every 6 months! Not that any of the updates are mandatory, but one can take advantage of the free updates as they become available if they choose.This is because Ubuntu GNU/Linux is a very fast moving system. Very Exciting!
Windows - Since 1998 there have been 4 major system upgrades, that's 1 every 3 years or so, if spread out evenly..... And that doesn't account for the idea that vista has been widely thought of as a failure. But then, since people have to shell out hundreds of dollars and face the fact of buying packaged CDs and making an upgrade and "activation" to their systems, perhaps it's ok to wait longer... so long as you're ok with what you get.... But remember, msft will try to kill the older versions by not making their newest browsers work with it and other tricks and so forth... And then there are the upgrades for the software on the system... Patch Tuesday... many system updates, and reboot required for just every batch of them... So then you think you're good to go and safe right? Wrong... So now it's time to update your programs, like adobe reader, flash, java, your antivirus "protection" and any other software that isn't the property of microsoft(yes, it may be your computer, but microsoft still owns their software). Oh, and don't expect to update these things all at the same time, the windows system won't let you do that. And, since all of these update processes are not helped along by the operating system, what you get is a very slow-to-login system (yes this is still broken even windows 7) where a lot of little "notification" icons are popping up in your task tray to let you know to update. As a computer expert of almost 15 years, what I see is that people throw their hands up and don't do the updates at all... At which point I get to make some money because their systems get exploited by malware and the systems have to be taken to a professional(as in me) to be cleaned. Yes, this is even with the expensive "antivirus" software that they have loaded. It's a very broken system indeed, and very sad actually.
And you may think that I like to make money cleaning viruses, but actually I think it's a waste of everyone's time, and very belittling to users everywhere. And so I'd much prefer to make money helping people see the future of technology, which brings me back to GNU/Linux. Are you ready for your install?
But don't take my word for it. There's already GNU/Linux computers all around you, whether it's Android mobile phones or all of the websites and services that you use everyday (i.e., Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc., etc.), so why not enjoy some of this goodness on your personal computer as well? We do, and we love it.
Humans Enabled - that's what technology is for! Get your GNU/Linux on!!
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