How to install Evernote in Wine on Ubuntu 11.04 GNU/Linux
Evernote has the "Platinum" rating at , which means this windows program runs awesome sauce on GNU/Linux. Wine is an awesome program that lets you run windows programs in GNU/Linux - there's also a commercially supported version called crossover by codeweavers, check it out here . In this tutorial we'll be installing Evernote in wine1.3 from on Ubuntu 11.04 GNU/Linux. See the install steps below the video. Here are the steps (Easy Pleasy): 1.) Go to and download the Evernote for windows version 2.) Install wine1.3 in Ubuntu 11.04 with these commands (thanks to Scott Ritchie for the ppa ): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa 3.) Update your Ubuntu with the new ppa repository data and install wine1.3 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.3 4.) Right click on the Evernote installer that you downloaded in step 1, then left click "Open with Wine Program Loader...