Help When Your Microphone is Not Working in Ubuntu

I have an Ubuntu GNU/Linux user friend that was trying to get her microphone working for Google Voice and Video Chat and she couldn't figure it out. So I recorded a short video that talks about changing settings in Ubuntu "Sound Preference" to get your microphone working.

With a little bit of faith and tinkering, you should be able to get your microphone working perfectly. Most of the time we have problems with these types of things because we are used to what the controls look like. In this video I show you where to change the settings for the microphone and get it working in Ubuntu GNU/Linux 11.04 Natty/Narwal. Hopefully this helps someone.

Shannon VanWagner


  1. Hey Shannon,

    Just wanted to mention I like your blog and I ran into a similar issue with my laptop, but simply modifying the microphone settings wasn't enough to get the microphone to work with things like Google+ Hangout or Youtube's built-in webcam recorder. After a lot of research I finally got it figured out and documented how to do so -

    - Valkyri9

  2. Saved me a lot of pain. Finally got Google+ hangout working. Peace love and Linux! ;)

  3. Hello!
    I have an asus x55a and a linux mint 15 kde on it. Cant make Skype work with the mic built in...
    With Pulse audio volume control the mic works only if I first change from internal microphone to microphone and back...

    NOTE: already tried the above movie AND Mat's blog advice - didnt work


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