Enable CentOS 5.8 GNU / Linux Authentication on Windows Domain

In case you should ever be finding yourself having to configure your CentOS 5.8 GNU/Linux machines to allow active directoy windows users to login to them, this post will help. While there are a few ways to set this up, i.e., likewise-open (see beyondtrust.com), centrify (centrify.com), the built-in System, Authentication graphical controls in CentOS, etc., the method in this post focuses on touching just a few config files to enable active directory authentication. K.I.S.S. is the way I like to roll. Using the authentication methods below assume that you have already enabled services for Unix on your active directory server and that the users that would be logging in to CentOS have their Unix tab (on ad user and computers) populated with values. The Authentication methods outlined here use LDAP and Kerberos. LDAP brings the UID/GID information (from the Unix tab in ad) for the user, and Kerberos provides for username/password authentication piece. With the default insta...